Sunday, November 30, 2008

laksa power

Everyone will tell you Katong Laksa unanimously when you ask them where you can find a bowl of sinfully delicious laksa. Top of mind is not necessary the best. Having said that, I've just discovered something equally good, if not better.

Perhaps I shouldn't use the word discovered because
Sungei Road Laksa is actually pretty well-known. (It is also in Wikipedia!) When mum brought me to this hidden gem behind Jalan Berseh Food Center, I was impressed and amazed that there was a long queue. So what's so special about Sungei Road Laksa? It is cooked using charcoal! I guess that's what makes the gravy more fragrant and constantly warm to maintain its distinctive flavours.


At $2.00 for a small bowl, the serving is not enough but not too much to make you feel gelak. The gravy is rich but not overloaded. Topped with a generous portion of fresh cockles, sliced fishcakes, bean sprouts and laksa leaves, it was truly satisfying. Oh and I just learnt that they are the ones who made eating laksa without chopsticks famous.


Will this tempt MM, who claims she's not a laksa lover but we concluded that she's just health conscious, to savour laksa all over again? Haha!

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