Tuesday, November 4, 2008

relax choya

We could be a better way to relax on a Saturday night than chilling out with girl friends. It just happened that T, instead of some high-class French wine, bought a bottle of Choya Royal Honey Plum Wine from DFS on her return trip from Paris. We decided to chill out indoor that particular night. Choya Royal Honey is a blend of Choya's classic plum wine with honey, royal jelly and whole plums. Drinking it neat was a tad too sweet and to mix it with green tea was too expected (although honey green tea sounds good). We ended up concocting it with Berri's Apple Cranberry Juice. I won't say it was a match made in heaven but the zest and sweetness of both drinks blended perfectly. I'm sure you'll love it, P!


Don't forget to get some Japanese snack to go along. This is one of my favourite Japanese snacks which I'm surprised that MM hasn't tasted or seen them before. Probably because she's not a snack person while I'm a 100% junkie. They are spicy rice crackers and usually come with peanuts. I found these unique cheese coated ones from Muji ($2.30). Nice.


These shrimp crackers from Daiso ($2.00) are great drink-match snack too.


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