He didn't head to the gourmet section but straight to the chiller for Johnosonville Smoked Sausages. He grabbed two packets of Beddar Cheddar at $11.50 for a pack of 6. That's like almost $2 per sausage! And they are not those huge gourmet sausages. I always thought that those pre-packed sausages are not as fresh as the ones priced by weight. Therefore, the vacuum packed ones should be cheaper. Not necessarily so.
Some days later while we were super-marketing, I told P about Johnsonville and found that he loves their sausages too. Being Mr Nice, he bought me a pack.
The very next day, he bought some frozen roti prata to my place. Of course I was more than willing to replicate the prata sausage by GoGo Franks for him. Cheddar cheese sausage covered with mayo, chilli sauce, mustard, sautéed onions and snugged in-between crispy prata. OK, mine was the unhealthy version because I didn't have any greens to go with it. Still, P went against his diet and enjoyed his snack to the last bite.
I saved one sausage just to savour its original taste and cooked it according to their cooking direction.
"Place links in a pan, add ½ inch of water and cover. Simmer on low heat for about 10 minutes, turning often."
You know how sausage always curls up when you fry it. This sausage was not very happy to end up in my stomach after I pan-heated it. Haha! It was however healthier! No oil added. ;)
Every mouthful was oozing with cheese and bursting with flavours. The skin was crisp and the meat was evenly ground. Most cheese sausages are too salty but this was just right.
Johnsonville sausages are available at all Cold Storage and Jasons Market Place.
oh yea!!! Thks to you that I got to tried that too!! it's really yummy!
Are you thanking P or me?
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